Buckwheat Maki?

There is no respect for the sushi roll. While trying to whip up something quick and macrobiotic inspired I refound the buckwheat grains (why have i not touched these all winter!!). They were toasted and cooked into fluffy comfort (steam smelling feeling like a large easy chair in a mahogany study).

Into the grain went carrot and avocado and I made a sauce by mixing tahini and the world’s best shoyu (Osawa� Nama Shoyu). A leafy something or other was in need, but the avo, carrot and shoyu were screaming “Maki! Maki!” Could I?

The nori came out, the contents of the pot was mixed and thrown down off-center seaweed. Add a bit of umeboshi paste and sprinkle gomasio, roll, seal — hot damn, it’s good! A side of oshitashi would make this complete.

Looking for suggestions on a ginger drink. I’m making a strong ginger juice using a soy milk maker, but i’m at a loss for spices to add. Ginger juice and sweetener are good, but I know this can be made really good.

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