Discovering suicide bombing

November 13th, 2007

In a very interesting article about suicide bombing in Halo 3, the author describes how the “psychology of asymmetrical warfare” led him to take up the tactic. The article is not about the game but about his insight into when suicide tactics become the reasonable choice.

Even though I’ve read scores of articles, white papers and books on the psychology of terrorists in recent years, and even though I have (I think) a strong intellectual grasp of the roots of suicide terrorism, something about playing the game gave me an “aha” moment that I’d never had before: an ability to feel, in whatever tiny fashion, the strategic logic and emotional calculus behind the act.

Pussyfinger at Robotspeak

November 12th, 2007

On October 28, I heard/saw Pussyfinger play at Robotspeak‘s 5th year anniversary party. They were completely awesome. Here’s a 30s clip I shot with my point and shoot camera:

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Ubuntu 7.10 “gutsy” caveat: beware EVMS!

October 30th, 2007

A small PSA: If you are upgrading Ubuntu to 7.10 “gutsy”, check to see if you have the “evms” package installed. If you do, and you have no knowledge of installing it and don’t know what it is, then you probably should remove it. The consequences of keeping it are a spew of system messages:

device-mapper: dm-linear: Device lookup failed
device-mapper: error adding target to table

Even worse, you may be unable to mount any partitions aside from /! That’s what happened to me. :-(

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Making a new file the Ubuntu way?

October 25th, 2007

While innocently reading the 7.10 Release Notes my left eyebrow raised at their method for creating a new file with a single word in it.

echo letter | sudo tee /etc/papersize >/dev/null

Say what? Why on Earth use tee if you are going to dump it’s output to /dev/null? I assume whoever wrote it ran into a file permission problem due to the redirection.1 How about the following:

sudo sh -c 'echo letter > papersize'

I’m not going to complain that their way spawns an extra process; I dislike complaints which ignore the capacity of modern computers and that this command is run once by hand. Probably, I just think their way is ugly. :-)

  1. The sudo manpage also suggests using sh -c for making redirection work.

Reminding myself where I live

October 24th, 2007

Alamo-Haight near Sunrise

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