Archive for the ‘the senses’ Category

the sound of azuki beans

Saturday, March 6th, 2004

refamiliarizing myself with the self-healing cookbook, i decided to cook up some azuki beans. one half-hour into their simmer they should be cold shocked.

listening to the beans boil against the pot, i was enjoying the rhythm in which they scraped against the metal vessel. as if the bubbles rattling the beans were coming from a bellows. the sound of submerged, scraping beans was padded with the quiet rumble of escaping vapor.

the balance changed over time (as the beans soften, the high-tones degrade). slowly, the highs muted away until finally, the sound of bean scraping metal was gone. then i looked at the time and saw it was the half-hour point. which made me wonder if this was how the half-hour point was chosen.

Rx Gallery: Jiffy-Scuttler Two

Tuesday, March 2nd, 2004

Rx Gallery: Jiffy-Scuttler 2

Blithe Sons

My favorite artist, Loren Chasse (front), playing with Glenn Donaldson as The Blithe Sons; absolutely sublime.

Danielle DeGruttola on cello

Danielle DeGruttola ripping on her electric cello. Gliding through subtle, experimental sound, classical composition and metal enthused noise.

Rx Gallery: Jiffy-Scuttler One

Sunday, February 1st, 2004

Rx Gallery: Jiffy-Scuttler 1

rx gallery projection and consoles
playing ms. pacman
glowing computer on pedestal   flanged, a couple about to shake hands, video projection in pieces behind
rx gallery bar and projection and people

What follows is a failed, forced attempt at descriptive writing:
