Archive for the ‘society’ Category

CA Prop 8 invokes Hitler?!

Thursday, October 30th, 2008

How they dare to bring Hitler into the mix is beyond me. As if gay marriage could possibly, in any way, be put on par with what Hitler brought to the world. It’s totally insane and made me donate 4x my previous amount to Vote No on Prop 8. Please donate (and of course vote NO, if you can)!

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I originally donated thanks to a post made by A Coder Who Says Py. He reminded me how important this is.

James from outta nowhere …

Wednesday, April 30th, 2008

Good basketball has me out of my seat waving, whooping, and worrying; wonderful emotions that come out during the NBA Playoffs. My neighbors must love me. ;-) Here’s a little audio excerpt of a great moment. I love it when the announcers are having just as good a time.

Buying music online, part 1 (

Friday, January 25th, 2008

Over the last few years I’ve purchased music online from a variety of sites. Aside from wanting files that sound good, a hard requirement is songs must be DRM-free. Yep, that mostly means the iTunes store is out.1

My favorite place to buy/download music is There are two reasons:

  1. very high quality, DRM-free tracks
  2. an awesome music preview system


  1. I did buy one DRM-free track via iTunes when iTunes-plus launched (as a vote of support), but I have yet to find any other iTunes-plus tracks I’m interested in. Seriously, every time I look for an album it’s only available wrapped in iTunes’ DRM. With the advent of, I’m probably going to stop checking the iTunes store at all. More on that later.

Discovering suicide bombing

Tuesday, November 13th, 2007

In a very interesting article about suicide bombing in Halo 3, the author describes how the “psychology of asymmetrical warfare” led him to take up the tactic. The article is not about the game but about his insight into when suicide tactics become the reasonable choice.

Even though I’ve read scores of articles, white papers and books on the psychology of terrorists in recent years, and even though I have (I think) a strong intellectual grasp of the roots of suicide terrorism, something about playing the game gave me an “aha” moment that I’d never had before: an ability to feel, in whatever tiny fashion, the strategic logic and emotional calculus behind the act.

Wikipedia to relocate to San Francisco

Thursday, October 18th, 2007

While looking for some voting information on San Francisco’s government website, I saw this press release: Wikipedia to Relocate to San Francisco. Basically, the Wikimedia Foundation will be moving here at the beginning of 2008. Hopefully, that will bring more local talks by Jimmy Wales. The last time I heard him was at Stanford when Mosuki was attending Howard Rheingold and Andrea Saveri‘s class: Literacy of Cooperation. Jimmy Wales’ lecture was one of my favorite.

It’s been a while since I’ve thought about the class, but it was quite good. We got to meet a lot of very interesting people with provocative ideas. The syllabus and class web page appear gone, but Markus Sandy has a good description and many of the lectures are on the Internet Archive.